Welcome to our Little Peace of Happiness!
My name is Cindy and I married my high school sweetheart Long. I am full-time Homemaker and stay-at-home Momma and part-time Digital Creator.

I started Little Peace of Happiness (LPH) in 2021 after career challenges post-COVID. With the support from my husband and knowing that we would soon start a family, I launched LPH so that I could have an outlet for my creativity and techy skills, while spending time with our baby.
Coming from a scientific background once applied in the field of wildlife conservation managing field data, reviewing protocols, and training other Biologists and Data Managers, I knew absolutely NOTHING when it came to starting my own business.
With my scientific mindset, I went into research mode and watched a lot of YouTube videos, read blogs, and even took a course on “How to Start a Profitable Blog” (affiliate link) with Suzi at Start a Mom Blog.
Being unemployed for half of 2020, I was so excited to learn something new and I was sold on the dream of having a passive income that could one day retire my husband so he could spend more time with our family.

I’ve gotten the hang of things better now, but since our baby is still a baby, he keeps me very, very busy!
It’s a dream that I have set as my life goal, and I take my job seriously. With every purchase, customer review, YouTube comment and subscription, it motivates me to create more content, design more digital planners and stickers, and validates my hard work and time I put into my creations.
In my personal experience with mental burnout, I am a strong advocate for life balance and mental wellness. LPH is about finding the happiness in everyday life and we share ours through the blog and YouTube channel. We love the home DIY’s, furniture flips, and going on outdoor adventures.
Wishing you a Little Peace of Happiness in everyday life!

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My material may be used by peer blogs if it it linked to the original post and I am given credit via full blog name (www.littlepeaceofhappiness.com).
You may also pin my images on Pinterest or share on Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media if they are linked to the original blog post on my blog and I am given full credit via blog name (Little Peace of Happiness, www.littlepeaceofhappiness.com). Please do not pin any images of myself or my family members or share on any social media platforms and printed works without my approval. My editorial content may be linked back to my blog only and may not be copied, published, or reprinted without my consent. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].